kronoskingofall 的個人檔案橫幅

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Raaaaaaah! I’m The Viking King Kronos! Those who are here with me are the loyal kingsmen the best community around! Join us in some wild shenanigans and fun!

You can call me Kronos, My King, or Your Majesty I am you Viking King! I am so glad you could be here to get to know me! I am the head of the glorious Kingsmen (real easy to join just PUNCH that purple follow button plus you get you name on screen). I am a GLHF Pledge supporter meaning that though I may be heterosexual white man you are safe here no matter your race, religion, gender, or sexuallity. This is also a safe place to unpack and hide out from mental health troubles I myself suffer from Bi-polar, anxiety (and social anxiety), and depression so feel free to hang out and vibe with me to make each other feel better! I am a variety streamer I mostly play RPG's and magic the gathering but am pretty much open to any games just drop a recomendation if I like it I will try it out! I have many interests outside of gaming as well such as anime, D&D (Yes, that means Critical Role too! Hi, fellow Critters!), Vikings (I am Norse Pagan so makes sense), feels slightly redundent to say it but I am also into magic the gathering (I stream it occaisionally so I guess I should probably enjoy it at least a little). Anyway this is more than I normally talk about myself so I will cut it a tad short and leave you with this: Feel free to ask anything if it's too far you won't hurt me I will just politely let you know I don't feel comfrotable answering it.
Listen, ok, everyone has rules to follow so do I. please follow these rules to ensure that you can continue to hang out here! 1. Absolutely no hate speech. 2. This is a friendly chanell so no arguments or drama. If it starts please change the subject respectfully. 3. Be kind. Don't flame, harass, or otherwise bring people distress. If you are unsure what will do that, err on the side of caution. 4. No toxicity of any kind is allowed. 5. No discussion of serious topics (legal matters, sexuality, politics, controversial matters) 6. No slurs, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. Use preferred pronouns, and if they aren’t known, use the singular “they.” Honest mistakes won’t be punished, but myself and the mods decide if a mistake is honest. 7. This is an 18+ channel so don't get mad if you hear some 18+ stuff
If you enjoy me and want to buy my merch feel free to click the merch button. Not only does it help me out but you also get to wear some awesome stuff! So click it even if only to check it out!
Hey, have you always wanted to join the Kingdom of All discord and hang out with myself and other awesome streamers? click the discord link here and join! it is the best way to hang out with myself and other awesome streamers in my community when we aren't streaming!
I occaisionally post on twitter if you want to see that you can click this button and drop a follow!
I do have a TikTok and I actually post there. Sometimes it's Just clips from here that I have edited sometimes it's more personal stuff so if you want to see a little deeper side of me or just a bunch of my favorite clips click this button!