kupobucks 的個人檔案橫幅

141 位追隨者


I write music, create video games, and am very knowledgeable on coffee. visit the actual Kupobucks (TM) on FFXIV Faerie - Mist 21 Plot 42. Why kupobucks? couple things, I do some things with coffee and wanted to parody "starbucks" and I was irritated how streamers would say my old twitch handle.

Chatbot Commands

!addquote - add a quote !quote - display a random quote !charity - display extra life info

Hardware / Software

Main Computer: AMD Ryzen 7 MSI B450 Tomahawk Samsung 970 Evo Gigabyte RTX 3070ti Nanoxia Deep Silence 5 Giant Tower Dell S2716DG BenQ XL 24 Stream Computer: Intel Core i9 Asus H8I1-Plus Samsung 870 EVO Corsair 380T Hardware: Audio Technica AT2020 Focusrite 18i8 Rode PSA-1 Squarp Pyramid Various synths (will point out when used) Streamdeck Audio Technica ATH-AD700X Audio Technica ATH-M50X Software: OBS Studio (NDI) Izotope Nectar Pro Izotope Neutron Pro Max 8

Not Yet Remembered Records

I'm an "artist" on Not Yet Remembered Records. Please support a group of musicians making weird electro. my latest release can be found here: https://notyetremembered.bandcamp.com/album/crime-wav

Extra Life 2021

This will be my 7th year doing this. While subs and bits go towards helping my senior pets and rescues, this will help children's hospitals. on game day (november) I will redirect any subs/etc towards this charity. I passed the goal last year, let's do it again!

Let's talk!

To be honest, I do have issues with casual conversation (autism spectrum) but I'm doing the best I can. Ask me about all kinds of stuff. Coffee: I roast coffee at home as well as brew tons of different ways. I have had no professional training but my suggestions and consultation have led to the local coffee shop improving some of their results. Pour over, siphon, immersion, slow drip, moka, nel drip.... I've done it all. I can't pour accurately enough for latte art but I can make solid microfoam. Audio engineering: I've written music off and on for the past 25 years as well as mastered a few albums for solo artists and bands. I also build synthesizers either physically or within software called Max. I use Reaper for my main DAW but a lot of my equipment is physical. Retro gaming: I have played every NES game released (officially and unofficially) and physically own most of the carts (only thing missing are the super valuable ones). I can beat Contra without dying. Strength Training: I am currently doing a 5 day split with my major focus on deadlifting. I'm no Hafthor but I think I'm doing alright. I used to fight mixed martial arts and I know kung fu unironically (Tien Shan Pai). I'm not a personal trainer but I can give advice about what has worked for me training and supplement-wise. Computer programming and retro tech: I've been using computers since 1984 and have built nearly every computer I've used since 1993. I used to be a hacker but stopped because, well, it's illegal. I still talk about theoretical pen testing in a white hat sense but never pursued it as a career. Bad Movies/Crap Games: I can talk about this for an eternity. Whether it's cheap horror or just badly written stuff like the Room, I'm about it.

Channel Art

All channel art is done by my friend and FFXIV waifu, Yoshi Ayarane. Click the image to find her Twitter.

Rules (?)

1. Don't be a jerk. 2. Be respectful of other's views. I'm a LGBTQ+ community friend and am pretty set in what I believe. Others may not be on the same wavelength as I politically and belief-wise but I stay respectful. I expect others to do the same. Which leads to 3. 3. Don't discuss politics. 2020 has been a very turbulent year and I don't need a fight in my chat. We can talk about stuff that sucks but the second we talk about politicians, it can greenlight mudslinging. 4. If I don't see chat, give me second. I am neurodivergent and may not immediately notice what you say especially if I'm involved in something that requires concentration. I'll respond as soon as I can. 5. Relax. We're all here to have fun. See rule 1. 6. I cuss sometimes as well as the people I play with. I'm not proud of it and I'm trying to get better.

About me

I'm a "musician" and gamer. I know a lot about coffee making and roasting as I an amateur 'at-home' barista. I've been playing video games for well over 35 years and have played every game in the NES catalog (and a lot that are not). I also collect a lot of NES and SNES carts as well as records. Feel free to ask about any of that stuff as I'm sure I'll endlessly talk about coffee or music or programming for music.
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