Profile banner for kyanostiger



KyanosTiger streams Destiny 2, The Legend of Zelda and Dust: An Elysian Tail.

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I'm a long-time gamer that has recently started dabbling in streaming. I currently need a mic upgrade, but I'm planning on taking care of that soon. I have all sorts of games on a large variety of systems, along with the equipment to stream from all of them. This channel is a work-in-progress until I come up with a format that works well for me and provides a quality stream for you. I also like to pretend I'm a black and blue tiger online, as you can see by my icon. So yeah!
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If you're interested in interacting with me more than just when I'm streaming, I have a Twitter account that I am fairly active on. Be advised that my Twitter account is in no way limited to discussion on streaming, and can be mature at times. If you are still interested, great! Just click!
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I have too many games, here's where most of them are.
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If you feel that you want to toss a few dollars my way, click the donate button above! This is by no means necessary, but any and all donations are greatly appreciated!