Profile banner for kyoshi



Just a gamer trying to get his squid on.

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Welcome to my stream! As of right now I mainly stream... uh... whatever... Anything from drawing/emote creations to Switch or Steam games. Feel free to stop in and say hi if you feel up for it, everyone is pretty friendly. If you prefer to lurk though, that's completely fine as well!
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Feel free to add me on Switch for when I play with viewers! My Friend Code is 0972-4876-1200
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1. **Be respectful.** This is the most important thing to me. Please, please, please respect everyone who is a part of this stream. That not only includes me, but yourself as well as all of the other viewers. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and while not everyone may agree with one another, respect their choices. 2. **Avoid spamming the chat.** Please try to avoid spamming as much as possible. It can be difficult to respond to other viewers in the chat when all I see is a chat full of Kappas. 3. **Don't ask to be a mod.** As I continue to stream, I may add some responsible viewers as mods, but the more someone asks to be a mod, the more I probably won't. 4. **I'm sorry if I missed what you said!** While this shouldn't be an issue unless I have a lot of people in chat, please understand I'm not the best multitasker. If I'm in the middle of a match and I don't see you're comment, I swear it's not because I hate you or anything. Please repost it after the match if you would like me to see it (don't spam it though lol). If there's a lot going on, it's difficult for me to scroll up to search for an older comment someone had made, so in order to make things go smoothly, please simply repost your question/comment for me to see. This isn't really a rule, just a request I have. 5. **Have fun.** The whole reason for this channel is to have a place where people can come by, hang out, and have fun. Isn't that why we all play games?
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Uh... What's a Twitter... >.>;; I think I have one... somewhere... I just don't use it very often, sorry!
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We have a Discord server! Please note the server is for people 18 years old and older, but other than that, anyone and everyone is welcome! Please note I'm going to be much stricter when I allow viewers to join the stream via Discord chat. The Rules apply to both my stream and Discord, but to an even greater degree in Discord. I want everyone to have fun in the stream, but it only takes 1 person to ruin things. I will not hesitate to mute, deafen and/or boot/ban anyone who may be toxic to the stream. Click the "Discord" icon at the start of this section to join our Discord server!
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There are thousands of streamers out there who deserve your donations more than I do, so if you are sure you want donate, and sure you wouldn't rather donate to one of them, then consider it once more before you click the "Donate" icon above. A huge thank you to anyone who does, but it is not necessary in the slightest!