Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho lacookiefreak

7,1 N người theo dõi


Just your average serial eater.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
># HI! (つ°ヮ°)つ I like puns >Now that we are acquainted, FOLLOW! >>[Youtube]( >>[Instagram]( >>[Twitter]( >>[Discord]( >>[Brudder's Twitch]( >You can also add me on Snapchat **Asserolla**!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
>[Donate]( to support me as it helps me to continue streaming full time. How? Well the money supports me and helps me buy equipment to improve the stream. >*Donations trigger an on screen alert!*
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
>[Zabscry]( and you get... >>My thankiness >> Emotes drawn by ME! >> Priorities when I play with viewers >>Sub role on discord > >>You still get my thanks, priorities and drawings if you are a [donator]( or a [cheerer](! >>Most of all chill with me when I'm live, follow me on Social Media, and share me with your friends!
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Nội dung bảng điều khiển
If you wanna feed Cookie, click [here](
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
>I'm not much for rules but I do care about the kind of community we have. Sometimes might have had a bad day and I want to help by making this a supportive place. So without further ado, here are some ground rules: >> **No Spamming**: I do my best to read the chat, Y'ALL KNOW THIS! If I miss something, you can paste it again. >> **Be Human?**: This is the internet but we are all real people with *actual **feelings*** so behave as you would in person. >>**Respect yourself** and then respect others, only then can you expect respect in return. >> Please **follow the ToS**: I dun wanna be banned??? I have moderators around most of the time but even if they aren't, that doesn't give you a reason to be an ass. I just want everyone to enjoy their time, Cheers!


>**What do you play?** >>Whatever I feel like playing. I play to have fun >**Will you play Fortnite?** >>NEXT QUESTION! >**Do you speak Arabic?** >>Yes, it's weak. I'm Egyptian/Filipino who spoke English all her life but I'll improve my Arabic ya5i.


> >>✔️Reach 1000 Followers >>✔️Create a Discord Community >>✔️Complete a Charity Stream (Aus Wildfires) >>✔️Reach 2000 Followers >>✔️Reach 3000 Followers 16/12/19 >>✔️50 Avg Twitch Subscribers 01/01/20 >>✔️Average 25 Viewers 01/04/20 >>✔️Average 50 Viewers 05/21 >>❌Average 75 Viewers >>✔️Reach 7000 Followers 22/2/20 - botted -.- >>❌ Reach 8000 Followers - The bots are removed yay >>❌Upgrade Stream PC & Setup >>✔️Create YouTube Content >>❌Make Merch >>❌Attend my first TwitchCon >>❌Twitch Partnership >>❌Discord Partnership