Profile banner for landyra



Hi everyone! I'm Landy, a Variety Streamer from Germany ♡ I stream a mix of whatever interesting games cross my path~ I'm a community-focussed streamer, so having a good time is more important than quality gameplay any day!

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Please note that the shown times are in the current german timezone! CET or CEST depending on the time of the year. • **Currently no fix stream-times** • Streams announced on Discord or the schedule-tab on Twitch♥ **Attention:** Because I recently started university, I'm not doing fix weekly streams anymore to ensure my priority lies with my studies. I announce streams spontaneously a few days in advance whenever I have time :) If you want to make sure to never miss a stream you can turn on your live notifications in the drop down menu by the follow button for me :)
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**[Instagram](** ○ **[Twitter](** ○ **[Discord](** ○ **[Youtube](** Hi there, people on the internet call me Landy. I'm 24 years old and from Germany. Gaming and streaming are my passions and have changed my life completely ♥ I'm currently in university studying business and Korean. **New to the stream?** Definitely say hi! Ask me stuff, tell me stuff! Don't be shy, jump straight into the conversation if you wanna ♥ I love getting to know all of my viewers and talking to you is what I treasure the most about streaming! _____________________________________ **What games do I play?** I'm a **variety streamer**, so you can see me play all kinds of different stuff. Story based games like Undertale, Life is Strange or Telltales, RPGs like The Witcher and Skyrim, Action games like Borderlands, JRPGs, Horror Games,... I'm pretty open to anything. You can suggest new games in my discord :) __________________________________ **More about me~** I'm a huge Harry Potter Nerd and watch Anime on a daily basis. I obsess over pancakes, lipsticks, games and Batman - the trilogy only though :3 My newest passion is K-Pop, a rabbit hole I fell into October 2018. I've made lots of new amazing friends and experiences thanks to this and picked up a newfound love and confidence for travelling (alone) ♥ Feel free to ask if you want to know anything more :) I love hanging out with you guys, so chat messages are much appreciated. Come and say hi, strike up a conversation if you want to, talking to you is what makes streaming most worthwile <3
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You can either donate using the "donate" button above or by clicking [here]( ! If the link doesn't work on the twitch mobile-app, just type in []( As of June 1st 2020, streaming will be my only source of income, as I've made the hard decision to follow my heart and quit my fulltime job in order to pursue to college. Your support is appreciated a lot and will improve not only the stream but also support me personally to help cover eventual rent and living costs ♡ During Landyra's annual Fundraiser for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, please consider supporting our charity campaign instead - the link will be the very first in the stream info if the campaign is currently running ♥ _____________________________________ **What else to know about donating?** If you consider donating - thank you very much for wanting to support the stream ♥ Please note that donating is absolutely not required and does not come with any special perks. **Donations are not refundable**, so please make sure that you own the money and won't miss it if you choose to donate. **Also make sure to donate in € so the alert shows on stream.** Donations of any amount as well as cheers of 100 bits or greater will trigger **text to speech**. More info about alerts [here](
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On **[Humble Bundle](** you can buy awesome games for little money and meanwhile **directly support my stream** *and* **charity** - without paying any extra! Any purchases made on Humble Bundle while this link is still active in your browser cookies will directly support me and various charities with a percentage of whatever you're buying ♥ **What's best!?** These games *don't* come with a region lock (unless specified during sale), so you can gift them to your friends ALL OVER THE WORLD without being restricted - which Steam unfortunately does for people within a different currency. I always buy my christmas presents for my gamer friends here! You can visit the [Store-Page]( and browse for your favourite games - often for a better price than on steam directly. Or check the [Frontpage]( for awesome bundle-deals including steam games, comic books or software.
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If you're really enjoying my stream you can support what I'm doing by subscribing ♡ Here's the perks you earn as a subscriber: • **300 pancakes** per sub/resub ♥ • The **Sub-Emotes** of the Tier you subbed to • little extra luck in **giveaways** • fancy **sub-role** in my discord server and access to extra channels • Cute Piplup-Subbadge (my fav Pokemon) • You'll have a special place in my heart forever <3 **Where does your money go?** The money earn through the stream mainly goes back into improving the stream. As of June 2020 streaming will be my only source of income however, as I've quit my fulltime job to pursue college - you can find more info under "donations". Additional to my stream earnings I spend as much of my own time, money and effort as I can on improving the stream quality and experience for you <3

♡ Pancakes ♡

In maintenance, please come back later!
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**No racist, sexist, intolerant or offensive comments.** This might result in a timeout or ban, depending on the Mod who catches you first! **Spam or Scam** results in a permaban, no warning beforehand necessary! (raids are fine of course ♥) **Do not ask for or post personal information of yourself or other people!** **Do not spoil** anything that hasn't been out forever or mods might turn their wrath on you! **Don't talk about other streams!** If you want to share your favourite streamer or your own stream - feel free to do so in our community-streams discord channel. Talking about other streams during my livestream however (unless I asked) puts me in a really awkward spot :c **Please only talk in english!** Also I prefer english songs and might skip a song if I don't understand the language and the song feels fishy or probably offensive. **No backseat-gaming!** I love experiencing games the oldschool way: discovering through trial and error. Please don't give any tips or hints unless specifically asked. Even if I die 200 times to the same mistake - wait for me to realize and laugh in silence :P **No backseat-modding!** Please don't ask for mod, try to shout out others or express who you would ban / timeout if you were a mod. Leave the job to the people in charge, I will let people apply in discord when I'm in need of extra help. Please ask me or a mod before **posting a link in chat**. Songrequests and twitch clips of this channel are ok of course! Please **don't spam me with friend requests on my ingame/private accounts**. Feel free to add me on [Instagram]( and [Twitter]( If you want to add me on any game accounts, please ask before sending requests :)
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My most important goal is for this stream to be **a place full of love, kindness and friendship** ♥ I want to build a community where everyone feels welcome, loved and important. You're totally free to talk about subjects you're interested in, this stream isn't just about me, it's also about you guys! Ask whatever you wanna know and talk about stuff you're interested in - I'll gladly join the conversation. This is meant to be a place where people enjoy hanging out with each other and have a good time! **How far we have come:** • 100 followers ♥ reached 31.12.2016 • 200 followers ♥ reached 14.05.2017 • 500 followers ♥ reached 19.08.2017 • 1.000 followers ♥ reached 31.10.2017 **My hopes & dreams:** • 2.500 followers • 5.000 followers **Stream improving goals:** • move to area with better internetspeeds • become a Twitch Partner • live the dream and stream full-time • visit TwitchCon US • rule the world (ok, that one was a joke) *Stream birthday: November 5th, 2016*
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A little bunch of info about my stream and technical issues :) **I’m actively reading and answering the chat and very happy every time I see a new message or even a new name!** I love spending my time with you guys, so feel free to chat and hang out with me. Just please note that I **might take a bit longer to read your messages** in tight game phases. Please note that in a stream every little lag adds up, so in a stream that has been going on for hours I might have a **little delay** - there's unfortunately nothing I can do against that. **If the stream is lagging or delayed for you, refreshing the website often solves the problem!** **I LOVE getting songrequests, so please feel free to request whatever you wanna hear!** ATTENTION: songrequests are currently on hold due to copyright changes on the website Please don't get mad if I don't answer your whispers during streams, I'm bad at multitasking and want to fully concentrate on creating quality content!