แบนเนอร์โปรไฟล์สำหรับ larix_laricina

ผู้ติดตาม 1K คน


I host Larix's Lounge, an easy-going virtual bar, every Saturday night at 9pm Central. Thanks for stopping by!

Hi folks, and welcome to my channel! My name is Larix. I stream a variety of games as time allows, and I also host Larix's Lounge, where I set up behind the bar and make drinks for you. Outside of streaming, I'm a husband to my lovely wife [larix_lyallii](https://www.twitch.tv/larix_lyallii) and we've got a quickly growing sapling. I'm a freelance editor in addition to my day job. I'm also an amateur mixologist and I love tabletop RPGs. If there's anything else you'd like to know, ask! I'm an open book.
1. Respect others. 2. Seriously, respect others. We're all here to have a good time. Remember that we're all people here and make sure to act with empathy and compassion. 3. If you're not having a good time, let me know! I welcome feedback, and will try to help if I can.
If you have an insatiable urge to support me without giving anything to our corporate overlords, you can [tip your bartender here](https://streamelements.com/larix_laricina/tip). I value your time spent here more than anything else. Thank you for being here, I appreciate you all. Also, if you're looking for eco-friendly handmade glass straws to up your drinking game, check out [Surfside Sips!](https://surfsidesips.com/?ref=06sa4sa1lv) If you order after using that link, you'll help support the stream in addition to getting some fancy sippers. Use the code LARIX20 to save 20% off your order and support the stream!
Each Saturday at 9:00 p.m. CT, Larix's Lounge is open for happy hour. Other streams are more sporadic right now—I'm still figuring out what weekday works best. I announce when I stream on my discord, and I will try to remember to say something on my twitter: [@larix_laricina](https://twitter.com/larix_laricina). Otherwise, the most reliable way to know when I'm streaming is to follow and turn on notifications here!
The scintillating music you hear in the background was most likely made by the fine folks at Adventure Archives! Check out their [bandcamp](https://adventurearchives.bandcamp.com/) and their [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClFrYG5h7Vbz-Y2CEIEU6EQ) to show them some support!
Mixology is an expensive hobby, and at the insistence of my community, I've put together a [wish list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Dy9xCqlEXXv-XD8_uvOquncsFyg-bxYRpcdXMeKJWeI/edit?usp=sharing) of ingredients or tools that would help the bar. This is another way to support me directly and have something you may be interested in featured on the Lounge. Again, just being here and hanging out is support enough for me. But if you want to support me directly, here's another way. Thank you all!