
Crafter, gamer, geek, mom, and lover of podcasts.


Twitter: Larix_Lyallii - Follow me here for when I go live and updates on if my schedule is going to change! Instagram: larix_lyallii - I don't post super regularly here, but this is where I usually post pictures of my pets, myself, and my family! Not a lot of gaming content but if you'd like a peek into my life, this is the place to follow me!


Hello! I started playing video games when I was 4 years old, on my dad's Commodore 64 computer. He had an old shoe box full of floppy disks and a joystick, and I was hooked from the first time I played Dig Dug. Then we got Crash Bandicoot and a PSOne and I discovered a source of joy (and sometimes rage...lookin' at you Prince of Persia) in games. I have always loved the social aspect of hanging out with friends and gaming. Now that I'm a mom to a toddler, I don't have as much opportunity to do that in person, so I figured I'd bring the party to Twitch! I like to play cute or chill games most of the time. Due to a few sensory/anxiety issues I have, I'm afraid I can't play most FPSs but I CAN be convinced to play horror titles, if my viewers want to see me desperately try not to wake my kid up while also fleeing from whatever monster/villain is in the game. So welcome, friends! Sit back, relax, and join me as I stumble my way through some cool games.


My stream schedule is up in the air at the moment. I'll be sure to update it here as soon as I'm able to stream regularly again.