Banner del profilo di lawlgamuffin

559 follower



Contenuto riquadro
Chat Rules are SIMPLE: 1. Don't spam in the chat. 2. NO Racist comments or references allowed. 3. NO disrespectful comments towards me, the viewers, or any other streamer will be tolerated! 4. Don't advertise yours or another's stream in here! 5. Ask to post a link before posting please. This is an ADULT stream so act like one! If you read the About Me and you're of age you should understand how to act in this chat. Don't make me have to beg you to act correctly. If you break a rule it's a warning timeout, followed by a 5minute timeout, followed most likely by a PERMANENT BAN! Don't make me be the bad guy.

Tip Pack

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Tips ARE NOT required, but are much appreciated. There are NO refunds so be aware that it's 100% your choice before tipping the streamer!
Contenuto riquadro
Welcome to the stream! My name is Muffin or Double, whichever is fine. I'm absolutely terrible at video games, but hopefully we're here for laughs and memes.This isn't a PG stream. There's lots of cussing and phallic references. If you're not into that kind of content I'm sure there's someone else on this MAGICAL website that will be able to suit your needs a bit better. If you know what I mean heheheheheh.