Profile banner for laydee_bookhaven



Hey! I'm a variety streamer and book lover! I love anything to do with books, all animals but especially cats, making new friends, and even though I am awful at them I also enjoy gaming. I'm so excited to hang out with everyone!

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Hi! Welcome to my channel. This channel is 18+ sorry you'll have to leave if you're under 18, I hope you'll stop back by when you turn 18! 1. No racial, cultural, lifestyle, comments/slurs period. We are a mixed community with diverse people so let's respect each other. 2. We all have different opinions so if you have a difference of opinion let’s agree to disagree and move on. Be kind, be friendly, be helpful and have fun, 3. Please don't pressure me to respond to your messages either in chat or dms. 4. No self-promotion 5. No spamming 6. No politics Thanks for following and I hope you enjoy your visit here.
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Hiya! I’m Laydee Bookhaven, a variety streamer with a love for books, books and everything book related! I live on a small farm so I’m part country girl but I also have a pretty strong goth phase going on lol. I mainly stream art and spend time just chatting and hanging out. I am not good at gaming at all but sometimes you will see me play games with my friends Sarcasmchad and Stripedpolkadots (when I can convince them to endure my horrible game play) I am also the owner of a shop for book lovers called Bookhaven Designs. Sometimes I do crafting streams where you will see me designing book jackets, airbrushing book edges, hand-binding journals and creating digital art for bookmarks, stickers etc. I look forward to spending time with y’all.
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I have several medical conditions that affect my ability to work a traditional job. I have a connective tissue disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which causes my joints to sublux/dislocate easily. It also causes pretty much my whole body to be too stretchy leading me to have a variety of struggles including a constant migraine, scoliosis, and POTS. POTS is a condition that affects my heart and blood pressure. My resting heart rate is very high and any time I am standing it just keeps climbing until I pass out. All of this said, I try not to let it get me down and do what I can to keep a positive outlook and focus on the things I can do like hang out with y’all :)
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Throne is a great way to send gifts without doxing your identity or mine. My Throne general has items that help my business or contribute to stream but I also add a few personal gifts such as candy, stuffed animals etc. I appreciate all gifts so much but sending a gift does not entitle the sender to any special treatment. If you want to send a gift just because you enjoy sending gifts that is so awesome and generous, however, favoritism over other community members is not given for gifters.
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I’m so excited to be opening my first online store! My website is still under construction but as soon as it is up and running, I’ll be putting the link here so y’all can pop in and check it out!
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For only 4.99 or a Free Twitch Prime Sub you can subscribe to my channel and gain the following benefits: - A loyal Sub Badge to represent your Subscription - A Set of emotes that can be used on Twitch - A special role in the Discord Server - Ad-Free Streams - Active participation in Subgoals This is one of the best ways to support me as a Content Creator so please consider doing it!
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Thank you,Thank you, Thank you! Donations are greatly appreciated, these funds will go towards Bookhaven Designs business expenses, medical expenses and things to improve my streams. Refund Policy: If you choose to send tips/donations you are agreeing that you are the owner of all funds sent and that you cannot refund the transaction. Be responsible and thank you in advance!
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Who dis? These two friends have been here since my good ole vtuber days started in 2020. If you see a video around here most likely it was done by Dots and their amazing editing skills. They help in the Discord, mod here on Twitch and are always willing to help me with anything I need. Sarcasmchad does an excellent job of being the community asshole. In addition to his sarcastic contributions to the channel, Chad is also my reluctant IT man. He has helped me through countless technical issues and if it weren’t for him there would probably be no stream lol. On occasion, they will put up with my bad gaming skills and join me here on Twitch!