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Life Direction or Long Distance - LDHealing is a spiritual page, run by a sensitive āœØ who utilizes their gifts and tarot to align you with your highest happiness.

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Hi, my name is Zach! I am an attuned sensitive who is located in Australia! I primarily work with Life Direction for healing purposes. I am always utilizing mediumship and channelling, along with tarot, as tools for insight. Reading your cards - working beside your Angels, Ancestors, and Guides, to align you with your highest happiness, is my purpose. REMEMBER: Take what serves you - leave what doesn't. At every step of the way, you create your reality as you want it. These readings are to help align you with your power, highlight it, and help guide you along your path. You are in control of your actions, choices, and decisions. These readings are intended to offer support and clarity. These readings are based on your current energy. Nothing is ever set in stone.
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What is Tarot? Playing cards, traditionally a pack of 78 with five suits, used for fortune-telling and (especially in Europe) in certain games. The suits are typically swords, cups, coins (or pentacles), batons (or wands), and a permanent suit of trumps. These major/minor arcana (aka trumps/suits) reflect the trials and tribulations of life in a non-linear fashion. I use tarot as a trigger for my psychic abilities, to help build the narrative of your current situation. Tl;dr - The narrative of life, reflected through cards, in a never-ending cycle. Please keep in mind all types of divination is subject to many different interpretations, and that anything disclosed from your reading is not the definitive future. It is meant to be used as a tool for clarity and enlightenment. Assisting in the process of regaining one's power.
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If you do decide to support the stream, you can do so by clicking the banner/picture above ^^ . Thank you. Truly. These readings can be done over the stream, or in private. As the donator, you get to choose. All donations skip the queue and are fulfilled immediately if requested. Legal Disclaimer: All donations/services provided through/on steam or via donation link are non-refundable.
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šŸ¤ General rule: You make me cringe; I'll probs time you out. šŸ¤ When sharing your opinion, be as compassionate and mature as possible. -- Giving Advice on Stream -- If you would like to advise another viewer or me, please do so with empathy and compassion. This stream is meant to be a place where each individual can feel safe, free from judgments and unfair criticism. There is already enough of that in the real world, online, and spiritual world. Let's not add to it.
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šŸ“… When do I stream? šŸ“… I sometimes stream, so please do be sure to turn on notifications if you're interested in knowing when I go live.