Profile banner for leddystreams



Hey! I'm Lewis, content creation has always been an underlying passion of mine for years, theres proof of this if you go back and see my YT Channel from when I was 13 stacking DVD's on top of each other as a tripod to record GTA IV....Purely here to have a sick time with some sick people.


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I aint no dictator, but we have some pretty basic rules in my chat. 1. Absolutely 0 tolerance on any use of the "ism's" we accept all people from all walks of life in my streams. 2. Be prepared to have the mick taken out of you, and please give it back to me, it's what it's all about. 3. Don't come in if you read The Sun


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Luckily for you all, my social media handle is the same across every one, so if you like terrible tweets about my team Liverpool, amazing selfies of me and my little fam, or incredibly unfunny tiktoks, please click on the links up top, its LEdwards1996 across all platforms


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This content is free! But any support is greatly, GREATLY, appreciated x

About Me!

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Hey y'all, My name is Lewis, but please, call me Leddy I'm a 25 year old normal lad with a passion for streaming, and i'm honoured you're even reading this, if you wish, please drop a follow and join me in one of my weird as heck streams, hope to see you in there <3