Баннер профиля для lethalfrag

256,6 тыс. фолловеров


Creator of and first to complete the two year livestream challenge (Jan 5th, 2012 - Jan 6th, 2014). A no-frills place to enjoy video games :)

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Looking for an alternative way to support the stream? Check out Lethalfrag's Patreon.


Join Lethalfrag's open Discord - It is the easiest way to stay up-to-date on stream times, announcements and chat with the community! [Discord](https://discord.gg/lethalfrag)

Chat Rules:

1. No Political or Religious Comments 2. No Sexual Comments 3. No Current News Thank you for making this a place to enjoy video games with others. **Please take any rules or moderation inquires to the discord #timeout-ban-questions channel.** [Discord](https://discord.gg/lethalfrag)
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You can also support the stream through Ko-fi! - [ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/lethalfrag#)
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Hundreds of payment options - No ads - Site Wide Lethalfrag Emoticons
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The 100 club is for members of the community that have hit 100+ months subbed to the channel. - citlee - Devilsloth - Heelzz - TheVikingBeard - Char71 - y2ken - Hobbes_the_Tiger - shadowkid017 - khaninsanity - biterror_5 - Steam313 - DownyWP - Fx1k - EtoileLion - Joyrock101 - Wrenzo - Carrot - Kudunk - carnosaur - Elementology21 - nukkinak - Angel9001 - MikeHawk_420 - Hastekilled - TheRelaxedOne - KaoticForce - Dbatterskull - kaoticforce - namikaze66 - fonshizzle - RstarPetey - Sorujin - ravenar_king - Fidg3t - lutrina86 - TheDerpenator - soulshocks - Mortraven - xSmKxGamegod - GhandilovesChachi - Attckcat - Netarchy - brockodile - JackMihov - Muddr - NoHanna - gulvan - anaditae - JustinusTV - ArchangelXIII - lostduece - Domiku - fmerl - Amets_LT - Paulygon104 - Aranedlor - Destrina - chyea - Din0might - FerretBomb - kebenz - literallythedevil - FirstOni - Sylamando - Xaxius_Colnier - formallyknownasginger - Temperedjack - Necrothunder - johnsonunit - Tereekel - Velox_vyper - EuroMD - wizmander - Edorin - mistermv - Echofied - Neduchad - frockly - yakobthemoose - relik_Killer - silentimage - fonshizzle - lionelione43 - Dredoric - Kitten_Power - CozyTressi - ryocoon - dualghost - blackkinght17 - BlaydeX15 - bananasgomoo - Zealousee - DumpsterGravy - Tacobowl8 - karavor - TheLordMelvin - DC100 - Breakfastskitles - xunder - Sinvicta - CerberQc - Zatath - Sacriel - ToppHat - Nubiatem - b1uesun_v7 - nubiatem - gonzothesockpuppet - drpineappleboy - Ngotie - splitskull - Random2007 - Lajarkin - KevlarDelMar - Dunder33 - Germloucks - Serotriptomine - Madgod_Rando - SGDoc - Xarhyllac - Freeze914 - smaerschl - thrixsx - Shippy_ - Gillrad - Valkyrinn - TealyBear - apestomp - Kaivenna - ssquire14 - TheLastKnownBuffalo - Sickpuppy716 - kazanry - Ctan077 - LittleTigru - MathiasSilvers - ultigus - iamthemidboss - Marshmillow - Decusterra - Halarith - triger69 - Bolt_Spark - Roy_3216 - firepixie385 - Silvermoron - aFastAzzPanda - CAPNSANITY - Norav99 - blueberrymann - Joragan - Koda11594 - DARKz999 - Doepfish - DrLoveWizard - Jaylang11 - ArcariusST - MrUrda - SpiceePicklez - FredFreddington - SpamboJambo - vgMangos - Exc3eded - Musikluvah - LunarWolves - SCUBA_ST3V3N - colonelsander68 - king_sullan - EightYearOld - lakktoc - Golothess - netrunner383 - Agentt86 - tcbloo - Bolt_Vanderhuge_ - HandOfCode - Velu88 - CheezyBob - Ruingliff - Delyius - Looseminded - iS_TechGeek - offalmonger - Sanctuss - Blarbicus - Ahhhicantthinkofname - Delbok - Ledfan - mikemeron - javacslip - Drakkith - smoaty - Retconned - daguava - RancidRalph - MrMSTy - jixii - Sardaukar101 - Cakedonut - Punality - Rwalk41 - ixorian - Abstractpunctuation - Barefoot - NotShteve - The_Spellsiger - Rabbitknife - Tpixl - thecream_rises - juiceman001 - Keltai_ - DeadFlip - ShadyDreamer - StormHaul22 - Baergo - Annilalate - nikpack - McMennifus - LunarWinds1 - SmokeyZehBear - Spiritualprofit - ReIyOnNoOne - Wonko_T_Sane - CleveTheLand - BlueJello1 - Crajabzul - TheeMC - Luigi_and_Tails - Moelleux_Tartiflette - cunninglinguistics - Not_A_Spider - 7thsinpride - Redvlurpee - cunninglinguistics - pyrojoe7 - CasuallyChallenged - KurtSune - bzadams - Racecar_driver - DexterTheDragon - TRMerik - iamforever27 - jollyrahjer - 3dRes - Known_Assailant - Tyzforsaken - ChessNetwork - ryakko - Smurfizzle Thank you for supporting the channel!
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Rules-FAQs & All things Lethalfrag
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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
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The 36 Month Hall of Fame got too long! Please be patient while we find it a new home. Thank you! (All the Names are safe and you can still request to be added)
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To create custom merchandise [Click Here](https://shop.spreadshirt.com/LETHALFRAG/)
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