Profile banner for lightshapen



Profile picture is a piccrew by lunevani!

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The image above leads to a wishlist, because I’m pretty sure all the cool big streamers have one of those
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The best way to contact me outside of streams is either through my ‘official’ email: or in my discord dms: Lightshapen#1831
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If you were looking here hoping for something that resembles a regular schedule, it’s time to be dissapointed! We don’t have one of those.
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Clicking the image above here will send you to a donation page! Very impressive, I know.
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Welcome to my channel! As per usual, there’s a few rules I like to maintain here, to ensure a fun and safe community. - The mods are always right - The mods are wrong when Light is right - Light is always right - Don’t be hateful or rude in chat, and please don’t rant. I will not allow any slurs - Respect your fellow chatters, even if they are being rude, the mods are there to take care of that! - Don’t share personal information like your age, full name ect. you never know who else is in chat reading that info
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Click the image above to join our discord!