Банер на профила за liihs

14,7 хил. последователи


I'm a top Hearthstone Battlegrounds player with a growth mindset and a chill and low-tilt attitude. I'm working on continuously improving my gameplay to get rank 1 with ease and win a lobby legends tournament. Also I created the Wall_lii bot you might have seen on other channels.


Съдържание на панел
Съдържание на панел

My streaming gear

[Airpods Max](https://amzn.to/39PF3p2) [Airpods Pro](https://amzn.to/3a23EHq) [Twitch Desk Pad](https://www.amazon.com/Twitch-XXL-RBG-Illuminating-Mousepad/dp/B08FKXHRKK/ref=sr_1_9?keywords=twitch+desk+mat&qid=1675300751&sprefix=twitch+desk+mat%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-9) [Footrest](https://amzn.to/3yDdOs4) [Ducky One 2 Mini](https://amzn.to/3a2iLkb) [Dell Gaming Monitor](https://amzn.to/3swztOU)