Profile banner for lillers



Hello! I'm Lillers, 25, from Finland.

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Liisa, 25 Jyväskylä, Finland Feel free to speak English or Finnish in chat :) I try out different games. Click the little picture above to see a list. Suggest games in comments!
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**I don't do this for money, but when someone is so very kind to donate a few coins it FEELS AMAZING and like the time I've spent streaming is worth something. Thank you ♥** Special thanks: **Kewwl** (graphics) and **ninjaux** (alert gifs) ♥ Top 5 donates: 1. 980.00€ **Omis86** **(luv u;_; ♥)** 2. 465.00€ a very dear anonymous person ♥ ;_; 3. 200.00€ from **Atetsky** (hei kiitti näist viel!XD) 4. 150.00€ from **BerryBooya** (danke schön♥) 5. 69.00€ from **Tuke9** (TUK TUK :3)
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Feedback/anything, anonymously!