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Channel Chat

My channel's chat is **not inclusive**; in particular, bigotry or hate against any minority group is not permitted and will result in a ban. Beyond that, I ask that all chat members observe the following guidelines: ## Be Kind & Courteous > You never know what kind of day someone is having, including me; give folx the benefit of the doubt and if something came across bluntly or in an insensitive way, consider that English may not be their first language or disengage with that user and chat with someone else. > If you don't like what I'm doing on stream, please go to another channel. ## Please Chat in English > Since all moderation is done by those who speak English fluently, I'd like to keep chat to English-only to help make moderating easier. If you find others in chat that speak another language, feel free to whisper them! :) ## Let Me Play the Game > Unless I explicitly ask for help or advice, please don't volunteer information about how to get past a challenge or suggest a course of action. I like the feeling of figuring things out! ## My Appearance > + I'd prefer the focus to be on the content of what I'm playing or talking about than how I look (even if it's positive, neutral, or intended to be helpful). > + Please refrain from taking screenshots of me making silly faces; everyone makes silly faces mid-sentence -- it's not particularly funny. ## Familiarity & Respect > + Keep in mind that I don't know you even if you're in chat a lot or I respond to you, and the "me" you know is the public version of myself that I'm comfortable being on-stream or through social media. > + Please don't use over-familiar terms or pet names ("cutie", "hun", etc.) when addressing me. > + I don't need anyone to be "helpful" or "look out for me" by finding private info about me and sending it to me so I'm aware of it. Please don't send me or anyone else any personally identifiable info -- it's creepy and stalkerish.