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Join me, my son Loki and my wife HeidiMull (TTV) in the wackiest ride of a lifetime as we game, play, and do it the unnas annus way. YOLO!


We go live every night at 10pm pst.


Here are the rules in place for chat. The moderators have the final say when it comes to punishments. 1) Be respectful and kind to EVERYONE including me. Respect everyone's boundaries and decisions in chat and in game! 2) No political debates/discussions in chat. 3) Listen, respect, and obey all chat moderators in the chat. 4) No links of any kind unless permission is given. This includes promoting of your or other peoples channels. 5) Chillax! Have fun! and be kind! 6) No peer pressuring please! We want everyone to have the chance at connecting and playing as-well-as opting out if they want to. 7) NO MEANS NO. 8) Sportsmanship please! We've all been bad at video games at one time or another. The point here is having fun and creating connections. 9)PICK UP! NOT PUT DOWN: Always pick someone up. Always leave the world, a person or an experience better off than how you found it. Spread the love! Not the hate. Lets live by this guys!


My name is Limbytes! I'm a Chuunibyou and I know you are too! What's a Chuunibyou? It's someone with immense power.... So much power that we must keep it secret until... WABAM! We unleash it with immense pressure. Lets unite our Chuunibyouness and become the ultimate byte on the internet!! WOOOOOO!!!!! Our youtube: Our twitch: Our Discord: Soon to Come


Join our youtube channel here: Discord channel will be posted later

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