팔로워 132명


LimeTheWolf님이 VR챗 및 파스모포비아 방송 중

패널 콘텐츠
Go check her out she is really chill person and she needs to get some more love then she is getting now.
패널 콘텐츠
Come join the discord and Make new friends. This is the first time of me making a discord for my self but we doing it live lol
패널 콘텐츠
Donate to me if you want if not that is cool, if you do, it will help me upgrade my PC and make stream better for you and every other viewer watching me. Love you all.

I dont know what I am doing at All

Help I have no clue at all what i am doing


I really dont have one it did in the past but right now I am starting to wake up late or i dont feel to good when i do it so I am going to start streaming when I feel like it and is not having porblems sorry