


Variety Streamer, Shield Enthusiast, and FFXIV Enthusiast

>Be understanding, be supportive, but most of all be kind. Do not harass anyone for ANY reason. Self promotion is wack, will instantly ban if spotted. If you feel like what you're gunna say is offensive or you KNOW it is, don't say it. Please don't try to argue with me or my mods. We reserve our ability to delete something or have you removed at our personal discretion.
##Donating is *OPTIONAL* But it helps me do things such as purchase new games for streaming, feed myself, and handle things around my really old house. Click the image above if you wanna help out!
Vartiety streamer and your Short Dad! If my stream makes you happy, then I'm happy. ------------------- I prefer to play games that follow a story when I stream so that I can not only experience something new, but experience it with you as a community. --------------------- Sometimes I play games that you suggest. But know that I'll ask for a lot of help like a Dad who's just along for the ride because their kid likes something.