Profile banner for linktoreality



I'm a silly fuzzy that game a lot and sometimes I might just stream it :3


My current plan is to stream Monday-Wednesday Friday and Sunday 20:00-Midnight CEST
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Hello and welcome! I'm Link the Fluffy Dragon! I'm a casual gamer and even casualer (This is a word now.) artist. I game a lot and a doodle a little. Also, as should be apparent, I'm a member of the furry fandom. In fact I've probably been a member of it for longer than some other furries have been alive. If you have any questions about the fandom don't hesitate to ask, I love talking about it to educate or clear misconceptions. I am Swedish so I ask that you forgive my accent. It's terrible I know. I am generally very friendly and love to talk to my viewers so never fear chatting to me while I play. Just forgive me while I get used to the whole streaming thing, I might be slow with replies, especially if the chat goes quiet for a while. Disclaimer: I'm not actually a furred dragon irl, don't get disappointed if you end up seeing my face in the future :P
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