
My name is Nick and I´m from Sweden! I focus primarily on spacesim survivaltypes of games where my gaming passion is still the strongest. I hope you are going to enjoy the content. Don't be afraid to ask or point out anything in chat, It's the interactions that makes the games for me ;).

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Hello! I´m Nick from Sweden! I try to stream everyday after work, if you like it dont be afraid to follow and you´ll be able to see when the stream starts and all that stuff ;). Old Videos can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Gxs9xG226xHF5UULIChqg
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The Shop!

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Have a look in the hipposhop! and see if there is anything that you like ;). https://shop.spreadshirt.co.uk/Lionbrew/ https://shop.spreadshirt.se/Lionbrew/
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Avorion Server information: !server Mod information: !mods Space engineers Server discord: !sediscord Server steamgroup: !segroup Server Mods: !semods
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I mainly focus on Sci-Fi spacey games with build and survival elements in them but I throw some medieval stuff in there from time to time.
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