Profile banner for lisawarrenserenityharp



I am a Canadian harpist, composer, relaxation musician and I am dusting off some old instruments and learning some new ones too; trumpet, tin whistle, saxophone, violin, didgeridoo, harmonica, clarinet, keyboard, ukulele and singing too:). I hope to bring some serenity to your day:).

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Well I am finally releasing my music officially:) On Dec 11, 2021 "A Serenity Harp Christmas" will be released on all major online platforms. Thanks so much for everyone who has helped make this possible with all your donations and support to actually push me to release the songs officially. Your enthusiasm and asking where you can buy my music helped me accomplish this goal. Thanks so much from the bottom of my heart. Hugs, Light and Love Everyone!
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Will Stream Soon:) My Brother and his family are in town for a visit and we have been super busy:) ***Nov 5, 2022 - AWAKENING ALBUM ***********RELEASE PARTY ***** time TBA
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Hello all! Thanks so much for visiting my stream! My name is Lisa and I am a Harper, Composer, Soundwerker (someone who plays relaxation music to help you feel good), Wedding Coordinator, and a stay at home mom who homeschools my two sons. I started playing the harp on January 21, 2017 from this real need inside me to play. Music has always been a source of ME time and a way to gain back some of my sanity (help!). I have always loved the harp and end up shedding tears every time I hear it live. I started out by renting a 26 string Dusty String Ravenna, which is a truly awesome harp to learn to play with. I bought the harp I play now on Mother's Day weekend in 2018 and fell in love with her. Her name is Serenity, and she is a Stoney End 29 String Braunwen harp. I never thought I could write or arrange music before playing the harp, so please never think you can't do something, because you may surprise yourself. I am certainly not a perfect player, but I figured out after playing the same songs for three years, that perfection wasn't what I was seeking! I truly just love playing and want my songs to bring joy to others listening to them. My own songs tend to be more of a mix of relaxation/meditation music to just simple songs. I have two CD's available that can be heard on my YouTube channel Lisa Warren. One of the single's is an original song called Soul Serenity, and the other is a full length Christmas CD. Music has helped me find out who I am, and helps with my own anxiety, panic and depression. Within a few months of playing the harp I felt like myself again, and actually felt like I could think clearly. When I am stressed out or anxious, I play my harp and it calms me down. This is why I became a Soundwerker - because it has been proven that music helps you feel good, and that is my desire for you all listening. I want to help others feel good (even though I have massive stage fright!). In addition to paying the harp, I also play some piano, clarinet and trumpet, and have made attempts to learn the violin/fiddle, tin whistle and now my son's saxophone. I grew up with music in the house, and have a love for pretty much any genre of music, so you will probably see me pop up in many different streams on Twitch :). Twitch has been such a welcoming and supportive community, and I welcome you with my own open arms. Hope you enjoy the stream and thank you again for stopping by! ❤ Lisa:)
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Donations are always accepted however they are not mandatory to watch my streams. All donations are very much appreciated and go towards upgrading streaming equipment. Twitch has made me more confident in my music ability and is pushing me to do more with my music. I am hoping to start looping in the future since I have many instruments I currently own. I would love to learn more as well to add to the overall ambience of my music: To make a donation feel free to click on the above picture link. Thank you so much in advance for your generosity and I hope that you have an awesome day:) I am truly grateful and appreciative:)
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Thanks So Much For All Your Support! I am Super Appreciative xoxo:) 1st Official Stream - Aug 12, 2020 50 Followers - Aug 17, 2020 - shocked 100 Followers - Aug 21, 2020 - still shocked 200 Followers - Aug 31, 2020 300 Followers - Sept 26, 2020 400 Followers - Oct 21st, 2020 500 Followers - Nov 29, 2020 600 Followers - Dec 30, 2020 700 Followers - Feb 28, 2021 800 Followers - April 11, 2021 900 Followers - May 24, 2021 1000 Followers - Jul 19, 2021 1100 Followers - Nov 28, 2021 1200 Followers - Jul 3, 2022 1300 Followers - Sept 19, 2022
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