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Waking the dead with my mad gamer skillz.

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**What is your name?** My name is Emily **Why do you like zombies so much?** Ever since i was little, i loved watching zombie movies and love the Resident Evil Franchise (games and movies). **How long have you been gaming?** No idea exactly, but i would say between 8-10 years old is when i first picked up a controller **What games do you stream?** i stream a variety of games. Right now i'm playing Diablo 3. **What was your first console?** Sega Genesis **How scrubby are you?** I'm the scrubbiest of them all :D **Whats your stream intended for?** To make friends of course! And meet people from around the world all while sitting at a computer desk. **When do you stream?** Check my schedule below, it will tell you the times and days i stream <3
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My goal is to become a full time streamer. Donating is not necessary but is extremely helpful. All donations will go towards the stream to better it. Your support means so much. Thank You all for the love you show me on stream every night, You all amaze me. <3 Donating $4.20 or more activates text to speech *Remember, donations are non-refundable*
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Click the image above to support me even further. **Benefits:** * **Directly Support the channel** * **Access to Sub-Only Mode** * **Ad-Free** * **Not affected by chat slow-mode** * **My undying love**
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Here is a list of commands you can use in the chat. * **!sub** - gives link to subscribe * **!howlong** - How long you've been following the stream * **!steam** - link to my steam group * **!commands** - Lists all commands you can use in chat
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**Rule 1.** Respect the streamer and viewers in chat **Rule 2.** No racism or homophobia is allowed **Rule 3.** No trolling or spamming chat **Rule 4.** Some profanity is allowed. We are all adults here, its okay to let loose a bit. **Rule 5.** No talking about Religion or Politics **Rule 6.** Most importantly, HAVE FUN!
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No current schedule has been set.
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* **Windows 10** * **Ryzen 7 3700X** * **EVGA Geforce Gtx 1660 6GB Super** * **ASUS ROG STRIX B-450f gaming mobo** * **16 GB DDR4** * **1 TB Hard Drive** * **120GB Sandisk SSD** * **Corsair 100r ATX Mid Tower Case** * **EVGA 650w G5 Supernova PSU** * **Corsair Katar mouse** * **SteelSeries Arctis 7 Headset** * **Corsair k65 Lux keyboard** * **24" Asus VS248 2ms LCD Monitor** * **24" Lenovo Monitor**
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