Profile banner for lizzienea



Cookies, Alpacas, what more can a girl ask for?

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Hello there~ I'm Lizzie, I'm a short swedish human that may or may not be addicted to cookies. I may or may not stream very often, but when I do stream, the streams are full of laugh and weird jokes. And games that I do like a lot, and please respect that.
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Intressted in reaching out to me? You can always whisper me and I will answer as fast as I can to it
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When comming in here and hanging out. Respect the other ones in chat Respect if I don't want spoilers if I am playing a game Be kind towards people, otherwise no cookies for you! and also respect that I don't like you being mean towards suthern things
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Donations are not expected, but appreaciated, they will be put into the stream and make it better
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you can follow me on twitter aswell if you are intressted, there will also updates on streams come and a lot of different things aswell