Profile banner for localtonk



localtonk streams Dead by Daylight.

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Gamers Vs MS is a Canada-wide relay and one-off Twitch streams in support of the MS Society of Canada. Canada has some of the highest rates of MS worldwide, and some call it "Canada's Disease." So Canadian Gamers vs Canada's Disease. The 168 Hour Relay will take place April 13-20! For more visit -- or . There are 20 other streams who will be taking part after our 24 hour stream, so please give them a follow! To Donate, PLEASE use the donation link not bits -->
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>What's your name? Angela! But you can call me Brix. >What do you do for a living? I'm a full time public relations student, and I currently work at a board game café! >How old are you? 20-something. >Where do you live? Nova Scotia, Canada. >What do you play? I mainly play Dead By Daylight, Hearthstone, WoW, or Heroes of the Storm. >Why do you stream? (sappy shitpost incoming) Honestly, because I love being a part of a community. Video games have been the glue that have kept me and many of my long distance friends together for so long, and through Discord and online games we've been able to create so many fond and hilarious memories! I want to continue to make people laugh and make memories on Twitch in the same way.
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1. Speak English please. If you want to get a message across, it'd probably be best if I understood it. 2. Criticism is always welcome. Everyone's got an opinion and I'm interested in hearing yours. 3. Don't be a DICK. 4. Ideally, the chat can be a place for discussion about pretty much anything. I'll venture to be as active in the chat as possible while streaming. 5. Please don't self promo! If I know you, I'll shout you out. COMMANDS: !discord, !social, !hype, !TOS.
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A totally not necessary but lovely way to support my stream. All donations / sub revenue / bits revenue helps me pay the bills, and put things back into the stream. Sub Benefits: - Access to a cute Brix emote at each sub tier! - Access to past broadcasts. - Access to a subscriber only channel in Discord. - Better chances to win giveaways. - You support me directly! These benefits are the least I can give to you for helping me achieve my goals and make my stream better. Currently saving to buy: - Elgato Game Capture HD60 (BOUGHT) - Neewer Photo Studio 18" Ring Light - Elgato Green Screen - SecretLabs Throne Computer Chair (BOUGHT)
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#Completed - 50 Followers (01 / 29 / 2018) - Affiliate Status (02 / 06 / 2018) - 100 Followers / Dead by Daylight Giveaway (03 / 01 / 2018) - 5 Sub Points (02 / 18 / 2018) - 10 Sub Points (03 / 02 / 2018) - 150 Followers (03 / 27 / 2018) - 200 Followers (05 / 02 / 2018) - 300 Followers (06 / 15 /2018) - 30 Sub Points (06 / 18 / 2018) - First 12/hr Stream (06 / 15 / 2018) - First Charity Stream <$400 raised for MS!> (06 / 15 / 2018) #In Progress - 500 Followers - First 24/hr Stream - 50 Sub Points
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