Profile banner for loegaming



LOEgaming streams Test, Test, Rocket League and Borderlands 3.

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Well, LOE Gaming is primarily a group of friends who like to play games, but as this is primarily my stream, I'll put my info here. + I'm a 37 year old IT System Engineer. - Originally from NY, but have since moved. - Hobbies: Gaming (obv.) Alcohol, making chain-maille, working on computers, - Sports teams: Mets, Jets, Islanders. Stony Brook University - I enjoy off the wall sports, i.e. I can explain what is going on in a game of cricket as well as I can a game of baseball. - I've been told by some to be an excessive enjoyer of an over-abundance of edible delicacies. (I'm fat) - What else do you want to know? *On the note of Alcohol. I appreciate the art, history, and traditions of Alcohol. I am not an Alcoholic. I enjoy a Glass from time to time, and I may enjoy one or two on stream. I do NOT encourage underage drinking. You need a certain level of maturity that even some adults don't have to be able to truely respect liquor in all it's forms and if you don't respect it, It won't respect you. So please, if you are of age, and choose to join with us in drinking, be safe, and don't drink and drive. You are no good to me as a follower or a sub if you are dead.
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Above all else, be good to each other. + Remember that while I may make fun of one of my fellow streamers, we have been friends for many moons. You most likely have not. Be respectful to the streamer - I looked in the mirror this morning when woke up. So rest assured I know I'm fat. No Fat Shaming - On that note, no stereo typing either! Fat shaming is just another type of stereo typing. Jokes are great among friends, but there may be people in the chat who don't know you, or your intentions. As such, just don't do it. - Mods: Respect them, and trust me you don't want to be them, so no asking. My mods are all mostly my close personal friends and trust me, being my friends has it ups but it also has plenty of downs. - No Begging/limited asking: I almost always decide what games I am playing in advance, so unless I ask, no game requests. Also I try to raid specifically IRL friends and community members only so no asking for Raids.
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BUY CHESTS TO DONATE TO THE STREAM! You will get 3 cards per chest which will allow you to collect cards, and either turn them in display GIF's and play sounds, interact directly with me, or possibly even get more chest and other great prizes down the line! Or Donate here - Majority of all donation right now will go towards games and making a better experience overall (better mics, PC's and equipment) I also I encourage EVERYONE To check out these charities. I may ask for donations on stream, but if you want to give to one of these fine charities instead that works for me! + Songs Of Love - - Extra Life - * National MS Foundation -
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StreamLoots is a fun new way to support myself, and many other of your favorite streamers! Purchase card packs from us that will allow you to do all sorts of things, including interacting directly with the stream itself!
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Most music provided by Check them out, they give musical artists a means to make some money, whil safely providing streams and youtube videos with previously cleared music.