Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho lokander

122 người theo dõi


Lokander truyền trực tiếp I'm on Observation Duty 4 và Mega Man X.

Hi and welcome! I'm Lokander and like to speedrun. Current goals; Megaman X: low 36, maybe even a 35 someday Super Mario 64: Sub 19 in 16 star and learn 70 Continue learning various other games that i never recorded when i ran them a long time ago.

PB's, so far!

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
+ Megaman x 100% 36:39 [Link]( + TMNT 2 NES 39:15 (NTSC-U) [Link]( + TMNT 2 Arcade version 15:55 [Link](
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Get FrankerFaceZ to get awesome emotes and make your own!
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Feel like [helping]( out? Thanks man