Баннер профиля для lolgunslinger

2,4 тыс. фолловера


I'm a Heimerdinger otp . Masters 7-12 , peak challenger 700 lp

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Forever Grateful To Riot And WuksGG Never Thought It Would Possible To Be On The Front Page Of The Client Click The Picture To Go To The AMA! Check My Boy https://www.twitch.tv/wuksgg And Give Him Follow .
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Содержимое панели
I Don't Expect Anyone To Donate I'm Fine With Followers And Viewers! But If You'd Really Want Too Click The Picture. All Donations are read by text to speech and are non-refundable.
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Cpu: IRyzen 7 Graphics card :GeForce GTX 3070 Memory: 16GB Vengeance RGB DDR4 3000MHz Storage: 1TB ssd 7200RPM Monitor: Alienware 24.5 240Hz
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