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I don't have an award-winning personality and that's okay. Potty-mouthed nurse, veteran, medievalist. Whingeing whilst barely gaming, occasionally crafting, reveling in the absurd. Alter Ego: Trashma

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###Note that all donations to the following registered charities are tax deductible and non-refundable. + Please support Grandma's favourite kitty rescue **FAT Katz** Feline Rescue of Albuquerque. [**Click Here**]( to learn about and donate to FAT Katz. + Learn about TNR and donate to **Street Cat Hub** of New Mexico. [**Click Here**]( to discover their mission and donate. + "We can choose to alleviate suffering. We can choose to work together for peace. We can make these changes — and we must.” - Jimmy Carter. [**Click Here**]( to learn about and support the goals of **The Carter Center**. + In a country as wealthy as the United States, no one should ever go hungry. [**Click Here**]( to find local food resources and to donate to **Feeding America**. + Every 73 seconds, another American is sexually assaulted. **RAINN** is the United States largest anti-sexual violence organization. [**Click Here**]( for resources to help prevent sexual assault, assist survivors, and to donate. + You may think that you know what they do and that you'll never need their help. At some point in your life, you or someone you love will need the **American Civil Liberties Union**. Fight racism, ageism, misogyny, and more, and protect our civil liberties by [**Clicking Here**]( to donate and learn more. + **Desert Paws NM** has an open door admission for abandoned, homeless, unwanted and injured dogs and cats from three New Mexico Pueblos. [**Click Here**]( to support pets among our indigenous kin.
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1. Please be kind to each other. 2. Do unto others as you would have done unto you.
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Like my streaming logo and graphics? Branded and unbranded goodies from Grandma and Old Batz Gaming are available now. Check it all out at []( Any and all earnings are donated to registered charities. Thanks for looking.