5.927 Follower


Single father who plays video games when not working in EMS or fire.

Humble Partner!


Upcoming Plans

Other streams will be random while I have downtime, and be various games - NoPixel when possible. MERCH! https://streamlabs.com/lordjasta/#/merch

List of Firsts :)

First Bits Donation Ever; charliepunpun First Sub Ever; devoniusrex First Ever Gifted Sub; devoniusrex First Ever Dono; YouknowItsJuno Special thanks to the following streamers, with out you I never would of had this community, it means alot to me. [BjornBee](https://www.twitch.tv/Bjornbee) for making me want to stream. [Kitboga](https://www.twitch.tv/Kitboga) you are the reason I made affiliate, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your community is amazing and great to have around. [Ashlynn](https://www.twitch.tv/Ashlynn) for the fun RP and the raid, and of course helping Chris become a man. [Curvyllama](https://www.twitch.tv/Curvyllama) Thanks for taking a chance and listening Brenda. Alot of fun RP has come from it that a medic would not normally get. Also thank you for subbing, the gift subs and the raid it means alot to me!

About me

A Little about me, I am a full time single dad and a part time medic/firefighter. I have 2 cats who insist on trying to sit on me while playing games. I mostly play EVE online I am a Goon, other games I play range from world of warships, GTA, Civ 6 Pubg, 911 operator Stellaris, and pretty much anything else that peaks my interest.

Tip Jar

Tips are always welcomed but not expected! All Tips are donations and non refundable.

Emotes by

The wonderful man who made my emotes and sub badges can be found here!


* Asus z170 Mother Board * Intel i7 6700 Core * 32 Gig DDR4 Ripjaws Ram * Asus Strix Geforce GTX 1080