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I love lamp.


Obsah panela
Obsah panela
I'm a teacher, a cellist, a gamer, and mother to a couple of cats. I've been playing video games pretty much my entire life, but only recently decided to stream them. I love to talk about weird and random things, so say hi in the chat! <3
Obsah panela
Support your awesome gamer girl! Just click the image above to donate! SUBSCRIBING TO MY CHANNEL is also a great way to show support. Subs get funny emotes :)
Obsah panela
*Don't be a racist douchebag *Keep your religious banter at home *Politics? Nope. *Hate someone or something? Talk about it somewhere else. *Respect and LOVE each other <3 <3 <3
Obsah panela
Here are some answers to questions I get asked a lot: Strings, how did you get your screen name? Duh, I'm a cellist. Strings, can I join one of your games and play with you on stream? Yes! Message me in chat!!


Chat Commands: !pancakes- channel currency !slots- play the slot machine !gamble + number of pancakes !so + username- promotional shout outs !8ball- ask the magic 8-Ball a question !duel