Záhlaví kanálu loredujour

60 sledujících


a kosher certified sleepo beepo

ᵔᴥᵔ h o w d y a l l ᵔᴥᵔ

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Call me Laurem. I moonlight as a princess / streamer and agent of the destruction of the patriarchy, also known as The Lady Death Squad (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Right now I play a lot of Skyrim and Baldur's Gate II on PS2 with my boyfran, Charlie Chopshop. I'm ruthless and curious and i don't mind murdering a bunch of giants and necromancers and draugr, but if a horse dies, i will cry ●ᴥ● oh wait, I also play music - in two bands to be precise. I play synth keyboards in Rosemary Kennedy, and I play the devil's noise toys on the side with my best friends Sam and Andrea. We're currently working on a project called BUZZKILL. Stay tuned for more on that... <http://facebook.com/RosemaryKennedyMusic/> I'm a founding member of the all grrl punk band **Wino For Never** (r.i.p ;______;) <http://www.winofornever.bandcamp.com> [Twitch](http://twitch.tv)
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⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️All Donations go the continued running of the Dream Stream, Lady Death Squad, and **Coolicide Florida Productions**: an independent record label and production company based in Gainesville, FL ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
Obsah panelu
I tried uploading a photo of myself for my avatar, but it didn't work, so I made a panel to show y'all this painting of me brooding outside of a gas station, which pretty much sums me up. so there ya go. ^^Painting by <http://alexleshansky.com> <http://www.electricm.tumblr.com>
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