Profile banner for lostxkittypiexxx



Just living and breathing.

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Name: Kitty Piex Alias: Lia or Acidaylia Birthday: October 6 I just play games on NA servers but I live on an island. If you are wondering how I have internet, this is how: I run a whole system of coconut trees in a line, tied a few palm fronds so that they all connect. Then the coconuts have to contain juice in them in order to ensure that it has enough power to run internet. So far there are 4 filled coconuts so the speed is similar to 4G. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk!
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Clicking or tapping on the banner would bring you to my discord which is still a WIP! My Instagram and Twitter are above. But if you are lazy like me, here are the handles: Twitter: @sweetslmbrpie Instagram: @lostinatmospheree
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Clicking or tapping on the banner would bring you to my donation link. DO NOT FEEL OBLIGATED TO DONATE but if you do, I appreciate it and thank you! Your presence on my streams mean more to me!