Profile banner for luciwithlove



“There’ll be food and drink and ghosts…and perhaps even a few murders. You’re all invited.”

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I only ask you be mindful and respectful of others as we have people from all walks of life roll through. We are just here to enjoy some laughs and good gaming!
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KoalaButtBot is currently taking a nap but will be back soon!
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If you are curious I am currently running: CPU - Intel i9-10850k 3.6GHz RAM - 32GB GFX - GeForce RTX 2070 Super 8GB Mic - Shure MV7 Capture Card - Razor Ripsaw HD
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You may be thinking "Who is Luci and how did I get here?" To that I say, I'm still figuring it out but I'm glad you've dropped by! If you are looking for a place to hang, chill and meet new peeps, you've come to the right place! Streams may be few and far between, but we always have a good time.