Profile banner for lululandd



idk what im doing

Panel Content
☆ Don’t be racist / homophobic ☆ dont advertise your stream on my stream, pls and thank ☆ if you gift games i did not ask for, and then get mad at me for not liking/hating it, i will just ban you.
Panel Content
your munmuns will go towards food, new games, upgrades (but probably mostly food) (´・ᴗ・ ` ) thankyou for everyone who has been crazy enough to support me (´,,•ω•,,)♡ click pic to send muns (ง ื▿ ื)ว **special alerts:** $4.20, $6.9, $10, $50, $60, $69, $100, $150, $420, $500
Panel Content
yes hewwo i am indonesian grill with bad internet UwU video game skillz are below average at best ##Gif emotes made by: ###[Zerostick]( **(stipstep, caught, sippy)** ###[Thunderkoi]( **(grabbed)** ###[Schiyo]( **(Heart)** ###PisuJohn **(pitpat, calmdown)** ##Pikachu V-Tuber Model made by: [ToastyHere]( inquiries: >