Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho lumirue

27,2 N người theo dõi


Welcome! I'm Lumi (they/them). I studied women's studies and psychology for my undergraduate, and now I'm here hoping to share in learning and applying that knowledge to create a more equal world.

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Lumi here! Nice to meet you, and welcome in. We as a community work to cultivate a warm space where we can explore topics such as intersectional feminism, queer theory, and bringing hope to the leftist movement. LGBTQIA+ issues, men's liberation, and veganism from an animal rights perspective all come up. Snuggle up and join our community! We're excited to have you. I also love to talk about lifting and DnD! I've been playing my first campaign with my mods, and I'm on my second year of lifting. 2024 is my first time bulking for 12 months<3
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# [Donate]( Donate to help Lumi afford better IRL streaming equipment! # [Patreon]( Join my Patreon to support me and get access to pictures and cosplays! I post monthly bulking progress pictures as well, I'm bulking up for 12 months, started in January 2024 :) # [Sub]( Support Lumi (and their twitch channel) by subbing with your Amazon Prime for free, or for $5 a month<3
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If you wanna gift me something, my wishlist here is organized based on highest priority. I'll open whatever I receive on stream<3
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
# [Discord]( Come join the Collective and chat about activism even when stream is offline. Lumi might need sleep, but that doesn't mean the movement does! # [TikTok]( I'm on TikTok now, send follows. # [YouTube]( Catch up on panels, educational videos, and other things<3 # [Twitter]( I heard you like feminist rants? Catch mine on Twitter. # [Instagram]( Cozy nonbinary aesthetic incoming<3 # E-mail