Profile banner for lunalise



Idk when next stream will be, but sorry in advance lmaooo

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♡ Be nice or at least awkwardly tsundere ♡ English only, unless you wanna teach me to swear in another language ♡ If I ever bring up something political, it's 1984 in here. Do I expect you to agree or stfu like I had to as a kid? YES LMAO. ♡ Please don't compare me to other streamers or mention view count. I just wanna chill ♡ You owe me financial compensation if you call me cute
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An absolute mystery while I try and remember how Twitch works again. Please check the [Discord]( for updates. ♥
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"This is my first time watching a vtuber and I don't understand wtf is going on here..." - some random who I never saw again "I saw the video, Luna. wtf. I can never look at you the same way again. You were my idol, Luna! I loved you!" - SolitaryDreg "luna would post her 'tape' with no shame on main smh" - SassyJaazzy "oh and yes i SPAT" - mordecai_dev "thank god i havent been quoted LUL" - strawbels
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I can't believe two people fucked and now I have to pay for the privilege of existing. WHY IS LIFE SO P2W?? SEND HELP. Anon donations [here]( No refunds because I almost definitely spent it already, whoops.
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I have succumbed wholly to relentless consumerism. The fleeting excitement elicited by shiny new things is a rare distraction from the perpetual cacophony in my mind. (If something's sold out, I'll probs just get something similar. Will try and send pics of things, but please excuse me if it takes forever.) tl;dr: if you give me cute shit then i will love you forever ♥