Μπάνερ προφίλ για το κανάλι lurkzey

100 ακόλουθοι


i am a streamer that streams any recommended games and the popular games that everyone is into and im trying to make twitch something be for me

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there are only a few rules that i expect when watching my streams: 1)be positive 2)no bullying/name calling 3)dont be scared to ask questions 4)no racism 5)no self advertisement
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Any funds received will be used to improve the stream in any way possible, but are monetary tips to help support this stream. I am thankful for your viewership and while I do appreciate if you do decide to tip, it is not required. Before tipping, please consider that your tips are non-refundable. -DONATIONS- joehfcthomas - £3 x2 joehfcthomas - £2 harky100 - £1
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follow me on twitter by clicking on the pannel to get to know what i am doing irl and to know when i go live or twitch.
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subscribe to high to help him out and also depending on what subscription you decide to buy depend on how many cool emotes u will receive. -SUBS- harkey100
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join high discord its totally free and be part of a awesome community! https://discord.gg/92XWye
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