Profile banner for lyathan



Lyathan Live! Gamer through and through, I will stream just about anything as long as I have the time or money. I was once confused about a grape


!points - *shows you how many loyalty arrows you have and show everyone you love me the most* + (related) !top !tophours !give !slots - *spend hard earned arrows to maybe get MOAR ARROWS* !QOTD - *will post a question in chat helps me get to know you* !8ball - *ask the all mighty 8Ball a question and have your fortune told* !discord - *gives a link to join my discord server* !lurk - *lets me know you're here but not feeling like chatting today*
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###7:30 pm EST Monday Thursday Friday New Youtube Videos Go Up on the Weekends
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What is your setup? - I just have a basic compy man got it from best buy (more to come)
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No bullying, sexism, racism, homophobia or other hate-based chat. No ethnic, sexual, religious, disability, agist or transphobic slurs. Try not to spam words or use all-caps unless a moment is absolutly hype. No spoilers to a game unless asked Don't argue heated-ly Be the person Mario would be proud to call Bro =)
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###Be a part of my GAMER crew, click the panel for an invite! >- You can get updates when I go Live >- We chat about nonsense and you can join VC during veiwer play dates!
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I don't have subscriptions as an option yet but **please** consider following!