Profile banner for lyndicat



A gamer, a writer, and a crocheter - sometimes in that order, sometimes not. Occasionally, all three simultaneously; but I don't talk about those times. Playing a game of chicken with fibromyalgia every day - sometimes I win; other days I lose.

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Hi! I'm Lyndicat, a crocheter, gamer, writer, and all-around general geek. I stream crochet works-in-progress and a variety of video games when I can no longer tolerate crocheting. If my chat doesn't give me a particular topic, I'm liable to expound, at length, about whatever thing I'm currently geeking out about. (Hint: it's usually Dungeons & Dragons) I have a schedule that I keep to as best as I can. My reality is that I have fibromyalgia and that doesn't always allow me to do what I want to. Fibro also means I need to incorporate some accommodations into my stream; namely more frequent breaks. Sitting without changing positions for longer than an hour is painful so I need to take micro-breaks to stand up and move a bit. I have implemented 2-minute ad breaks every 40 minutes to achieve this. I highly encourage you all to get up and stretch, move around and grab a drink with me at these times. Sometimes, fibro can prevent me from streaming at all. I make announcements about canceled streams on my Discord server. So if you'd like to stay notified, please join the Geekery [Discord]( My disorders also make me very empathic and sympathetic to people going through struggles of their own. I'm open to hearing about chat's bad days and worries during my stream. While I'm open to hearing about these things, I love when you guys ask to confirm it's okay to vent - it's a good practice to have! Not everyone has the mental headspace to handle hearing about another's worries and troubles at the exact moment we need to vent about it. If you need to vent but don't want to disclose the details publicly, there are Whispers and my DIscord DMs. That being said, I also want to hear about when things are going great and the things chat is excited about. So if you're looking for a place to relax and have a conversation over some fibercrafts, to learn fibercrafts, or just watch someone geek out over a random subject... Welcome to my Geekery ~ Lyndicat
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- Be kind to each other. Hate towards individuals of any kind is not tolerated - Even though, perhaps especially because, this is an 18+ stream, respect others' boundaries. If you're asked to stop, stop. - Be mindful of the fact everyone has things that make them uncomfortable; see line 2 above. - I might break out into the occasional foreign language, but keep chat in English, please. - Please be mindful of your usage of all capitals. This causes anxiety for me as I react as though I'm being shouted at, angrily. - Have fun!
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If you're enjoying my stream and would like to contribute money toward my content creation, you can subscribe to the channel or leave a tip by clicking the picture above. It is also the store that features items I'm working on during stream. I made a [Redbubble]( page to offer my first attempt at a channel emote (plus any other art I might eventually draw) as stickers and other items it looked nice on. I also have two emotes, drawn by [Anotherinufan](, available on Redbubble for purchase.

Additional way to support

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I made this wishlist for any who would like to send me something for my stream. I did my best to keep it simple and relevant to my stream. If you have a specific thing in mind, I do accept suggestions through the website's system. If you have questions about how it works, here's a link to [Throne's FAQ.]( As with the tips, gifts are not expected but always appreciated.
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