Банер на профила за maarionete

8,9 хил. последователи


dark soul speedrun

About me

>Masters student of theoretical physics and Dark Souls Speedrunner. >The witch in the art/emotes is called Aurea. >The character I use as avatar is Marisa Kirisame from Touhou. >My 2nd favourite number is 2. >No follower alerts/bot callouts (MAYBE if your name is funny), you can lurk in peace. >Download [FFZ](https://www.frankerfacez.com/) and [FFZ Add-On Pack](https://ffzap.com/) and enable BTTV and 7TV to see more emotes. >[Personal Bests](https://www.speedrun.com/user/Maarionete) >[Donate](https://streamelements.com/maarionete/tip) if you'd like. Thank you! >**The amount of streams is greatly reduced now due to my studies**

Chat rules

* Kappa and variants are banned * no controversial topics, e.g. politics, Dark Souls 2, etc. * no anime * no weebs * no gamers * no engineers (except electrical engineers) * no 12 >English and portuguese are equally fine in chat. >Inglês e português são igualmente aceitos no chat.

Ask me about physics!

Since I'm studying to be a physics educator, I'll have to do that for a living, so feel free to help me practice by asking stuff about physics anytime! Surely I won't be able to answer everything out there, but I'll do my best with the subjects I can.


>**Is this Remastered?** - No. >**Why not?** - Remaster stinks. >**Are you using DSfix?** - No. >**Are you Brazilian?** - Sim. >**Por que você fala inglês na live?** - O motivo de eu começar a fazer lives era pra arquivar minhas speedruns, e a comunidade de speedruns, assim como a grande maioria das pessoas que me assistem, falam primariamente inglês. >**Do you play other games?** - No. >**DS2?** - ???? >**DS3?** - ???? >**Bloodborne?** - ???? >**Sekiro?** - lmao >**Elden Ring?** - ????

Art Credits

[snowie](http://snowthegiant.artstation.com) ♥ [Old avatar, emotes and sub badges] [Ellen](https://trello.com/b/gezRoNBC) from [Calibre Lordal](https://twitch.tv/calibrelordal) ♥ [Emotes and current avatar] [lulu](https://twitter.com/lululandd) ♥ [Old avatar] [Jupiter](https://twitter.com/Jupiter_Arts) ♥ [Old emotes] [IvoryLotus](https://twitter.com/ivorylotus_) ♥ [maarioUMU] [OakProud](https://twitter.com/OakProud) ♥ [Offline Screen] [comfynine](https://twitch.tv/comfynine) ♥ [Aurea sketch] [Kitty](https://twitter.com/NekoKageGirl) ♥ [Aurea & cat commission] [Tematown](https://www.twitch.tv/tematown) ♥ [Aurea w/ staff sketch] [igoroliveiras](https://twitter.com/igoroliveiras) ♥ [AureaPls] [Rangut](https://twitter.com/Ran_gut) ♥ maariOOOO [Maorell](https://twitter.com/maorell0815) ♥ Marisa drawing

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