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Sasha Sienna and Jonathan Sims design, write and play board games, tabletop games, RPGs and anything analogue! Find out more at

Chat rules

- This channel is rated M because your illustrious hosts have a tendency to do a bunch of swears, but we'd appreciate it if y'all keep it chill and not overly sexual or aggressive. - We do our best to be pro-queer, pro-trans, anti-racist and accessible. If that's a problem for anyone, we invite you to leave. We also try to avoid ableist language on-stream (dumb, crazy, lame, etc.) and would appreciate it if chat did likewise. If we do mess up, we might miss flags in chat so please drop us an email through twitter or our website. - While talking about the Magnus Archives or the Mechanisms is not prohibited, this is not specifically a space for those fandoms and we don't want people who aren't familiar to be excluded, so please avoid spoilers or extensive discussion. Questions about them are unlikely to be answered. - A surprising number of boardgames are quite problematic (pro-colonising, imperialist, exoticising other cultures). We do our best to flag any such issues before playing where relevant, but if joining halfway through we encourage viewers to check the game online.