
English streams, from the Netherlands, i swear a lot, variety game streamer, i'm a dork, i say stupid shit & come of as rude and dumb... I usually don't mean it in a bad way.. Very bad at being a humanbeing. (About page has more) LOVE LOVE LOVE my Bean Squad & People. <3 Thank you.

I suck at humaning.. but i love you all, x


Mah socials. **LINKTREE** [All Stuff Together!](https://linktr.ee/mackaryuu) **YouTube VODS & Shorts** [Macka Ryuu's YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKkUDQh9FyJ3dkeADDU7WtA), **Twitter** [can be found here...](https://twitter.com/MackaRyuu), **Facebook** Does anyone still use this? **Throne** [Besides games...? Nemo etc Included.](https://throne.me/u/mackaryuu) **IG** I will make fit etc pics if Throne. **Tiktok** Shorts / Clips **Discord** [Become the best, become a Bean..](https://discord.gg/Hvr28E8eBy) **Ko-Fi** [Buy Macka a Coffee](https://www.ko-fi.com/mackaryuu) **Tip-Link** [Insanely Appreciated](https://streamelements.com/mackaryuu/tip) ^ If not mentioned here, might not be me.

"If speaking kindly to flowers makes them grow, imagine what speaking kindly to humans could do..."

WHO is the MACKA...?

**Lets see...** Variety streamer. Because i can't keep my attention with anything for long. Nerd, geek, gamer, comics, movies, series, all the things... From the Netherlands, i speak dutch, german and english. **My channel, content and anything will be mostly in ENGLISH**. Uncontrollably broken, sometimes dinglish. **EVERYONE** is welcome. Everyone, anyone, from anywhere. I try to pay attention to what im doing AND chat. Im not perfect. If you be an asshole, then you can fuck right of. That's the rule to it. If your a douche, then.. go.. Nobody wants you there or your negativity. I am probably older then you think i am, my birthday being February 2nd. **Birthday of the channel is February 3th**. When i became affiliate. **(Thank you)** I not only have resting bitch face, i also have resting bitch VOICE. I sound MUCH angrier then i actually am. Didn't know this, sorry for the confusion. I love my pets, i love my plants, i love going to the gym and i love drawing, designing and many other creative things. **HOWEVER i am a very broken human.** Asthma, permanent damages in parts of the body, bronchitis, hayfever, allergies, adhd/add, probably depression and a whole heapin lot of anxiety. On top of that, struggling, kind of poor and very unlucky. (Someone needs to have the bad luck if others have good luck, balance etc) **But you know what.** **I'm trying my goddamn best.** Ow, yeah right. I curse a lot,**if you don't like it then.. leave.** If you don't like anything, please just leave. There are many many creators and there are probably many you will love. **Little side note...** I love a variety of games, among them also being League of Legends, Fortnite and Minecraft. **But due to MOST (not all) of the community. I won't be playing those on stream anymore.** There are other games that i refuse to play or don't play anymore either. But mostly, i try/want to try everything.


You can do **!commands** to get the full list of commands that are available currently on the channel! If you have any suggestion, let me know! (You can hug, stab and slap people as well.. throw tables.. gamble... )

Tip / Donate / Being Awesome.

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Click the image [or this link...](https://streamelements.com/mackaryuu/tip) **PLEASE consider supporting me.** I am trying to stream and entertain whenever i can and a person does need to live. And at some point upgrade their shit? It will be immensely appreciated and i can keep entertaining all of you, having fun, making great friends and creating a loving community where everyone feels welcome. **Anyone is welcome!** Even if i'm just background noise, a welcome distraction or if you are active. Feel free to talk, feel free to join the Discord and meet even more amazing streamers, gamers and friends. **Your awesome none-the-less! It is not necessary or mandatory at all of course. But very welcome and appreciated.** --- **You can also support by** hanging out, saying hi, lurking, chatting, following, making clips and so on! Do not worry, there are **MANY WAYS to be absolutely amazing**, make someones day and give them a smile.


..me as a human being. Even if i'm a junky human being and my friends make fun of this on the regular. **Don't as a stranger**. Respect other people, don't discriminate, don't start to bully, don't demand stuff because i am not here for that (just here to play games and let people enjoy with me/my suffering), don't treat others like you don't want to be treated.. **Just don't be an asshole** is what i'm trying to say.

If you want to play together...

I **highly recommend** being a bit active, so i recognize your name, know your part of our community and **just a general good bean < 3** I usually do not play with complete strangers, it also **REALLY** depends on the game AND if its me who started said game or if its someone else's game/lobby/server... Because even tho i'm streaming, i'm sometimes the one that gets invited and i cannot tell other people what to do with their game. **Feel free to ask, but keep this in mind.** I can also recommend joining our [discord](https://discord.gg/pr7VXqU). Where we talk, have fun, share pictures, free games/gift game codes etc when we find them, suggestions for new things & games, updates on upcoming things and so on!


Did you know that if you put your tab or audio completely on mute that you won't be supportive at all? **What could you do instead?** Its a bit more effort, just put it on 1%. That's it. It still counts as 'active' and then you are supporting your favorite streamer as a lurker. **Lurkers are welcome and awesome!** I am a huge introvert myself, i lurk A LOT and i know many don't know or appreciate. But i do. Just wanted to give a heads up.

Appreciation for YOU, <3 YOU GORGEOUS PEOPLE!

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**I frkn love you all**, that you give me some of your time to come hang out, even some of you donated, chat, laugh at me for being a dumbass and/or just watching me suffer. (Horror/Surival Games, woop). Even tho i do not scare that quickly i am glad i can be entertaining, be there for people and/or be some background noise. So whoever stopped by/whoever followed me. **Thank you so damn much**, your freakin amazing and you make me a very happy bean.

Don't Add Me

Don't **randomly** add me **personally** on steam or any other online game or platform, if i do not know you or recognize you i am not going to accept. Please do not get upset by this and understand why. There are a lot of people and i cannot possibly know or add everyone. **Your welcome to join** [our Discord](https://discord.gg/arzSrdq), from me and my friends/my and their channels and of course you can always ask. **Doesn't hurt to ask**, but you might get booted out of a friends list after playing together. Nothing personal, but it will happen. Becoming friends is not a one time-speaking only event.
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