Profile banner for magik_master



Just a simple streamer trying to make the world a smaller place by connecting with people all around the world. So come in and let's chat.

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You can call me Magik Master...the Master of Magik. Or at least I wish I was. I'm a huge fan of anything sci-fi or supernatural. It seems the older I get, the more I like country music and anime more and more. I took off to travel the world in October 2017. I'm back now in the United States and ready to stream and meet more amazing people! This time from the comfort of my own home. I'm from the states but love to see as much (and experience as much of) the world that I can. My life is an open book, so ask away and I'll answer. Speaking of books, I just finished my first draft of my first book...It is excited and terrifying stuff.
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The rules are pretty simple: Don't be a bully and don't use slurs; racial or otherwise. Cursing is fine unless directed at other viewers.
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I honestly expect $0 in donations. I would love to make streaming a full time job but I realize there are so many better and more exciting streamers you could watch besides me. That being said, donations will be used to improve the stream for the people that enjoy what I do here. I'm hoping to make streaming a full time job within 3-5 years, and that is only possible because of the wonderful people that come into my channel and watch me goof off and die a lot for a few hours. So thank you.
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Follow me on Twitter. I will tweet out when I'm going live and what games I will be playing that day, since I am still trying to nail down a gaming schedule and am trying to determine which games you all like to see more.
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