Profile banner for magnanti



Gamer weeb dude

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**Slightly competitive smaller streamer just trying to vibe & entertain the people! I love to talk and interact with others, any and all interaction on stream are greatly appreciated. Don't be shy, much love!**
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**Be respectful to others! we're all here to have a good time:) Along with being respectful to others... absolutely no acts of prejudice, racism, gender discrimination, etc. In short, everyone is welcome here so it's appreciated if we show only love !:)**
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**Apex Legends.** **Elden Ring.** **Valorant.** **+ more!**
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**Donations are NEVER expected or required.. however, they are greatly appreciated! all donations are non-refundable. Please be sure to remember to only donate if you can afford to do so<3**
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**I <3 each and every one of you beautiful people.**
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USE CODE MAG10 FOR 10% off