แบนเนอร์โปรไฟล์สำหรับ mainmanmoni

ผู้ติดตาม 483 คน


Professional Procrastinator

Allow me to introduce myself, my names Moni and i like streaming myself being bad at games for your entertainment. appreciate you stopping by the channel its very chill here, so enjoy yourself, sit back and get ready to laugh.
I stream a lot of games, pretty much whatever I fancy on the day, Love story driven games, love action and adventure. these days i find myself playing Warzone (more for the social aspect rather than the actual game, my excuse to be terrible at it) If you have any games you want me to play please feel free to let me know
•If you show respect, you’ll get the same back •Try not to be racist/discriminatory in any way •You can post links but try not to spam Don't chat shit about other people. •Be calm
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