Баннер профиля для maliceofalice85

106 фолловеров


Hey Guys! I will be playing some League of Legends, Killer Instinct, Bioshock, Borderlands 2, Smite on the Xbox 1 and Left 4 Dead

Содержимое панели
I'm a 35 year old gaming mother of two! I have been playing since the ancient days of the original Nintendo and the square controller! I love playing a wide range of games. I do the best to stay on schedule, but having two tiny humans, it is a bit tricky!
Содержимое панели
Be kind and have fun! That is all I ask for. Self promotion is permitted as long as it doesn't dominate the conversation. No hate speech, racial slurs, and sexual harassment. Those are the pathway of getting banned.
Содержимое панели
These tips will go to improving this channel! They are not requirement, but any little bit is greatly appreciated!