Profile banner for maliqu



I am but a simple villager who's never stepped in jello. Married Vet Goofing off playing games. Enjoying life when I can while I can. Email:

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Stack Up supports US and Allied veterans by promoting positive mental health, and combating veteran suicide through gaming and geek culture.
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✩ Dont be an idiot (saulosi is exempt) ✩ No racism, sexism or homophobia ✩ No politics ✩ No socks in the pool ✩ Don't back seat unless asked pls.

Who am I?

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Married Marine Corps veteran, I worked on attack helicopters. I have 3 tattoo's, a FairyTail, One Piece and PUBG frying pan tattoo. Started gaming on Atari and have lived in Hawaii for 6 years, but now chill in sweet home Alabama. I'm very go with the flow because I'm lazy and that's easiest. Maybe like a jelly fish? Click the art to see the artist! Thank you 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘦 ✿ !!! First Founder CaptainMedzy Sep 13, 2022 <3
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The ABSOLUTE CHAMP is none other than, Papa_Kush420! What is the Community champion? On the 1st of each month a contest is held. The winner is crowned the Champion for the month until challenged next month. Subscribing = 1 Entry Every 5 gifted subs = 1 Entry Additional entry per subscription Tier
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Give the image a click! Check out the game!!
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Following and hanging out is MORE than enough, but if you feel like going above and beyond click the image to toss me some dabloons PO BOX Info: In progress