Banner del profilo di malkaradarkwel

487 follower


Non ne sappiamo molto, ma siamo certi che MalkaraDarkwel sia fantastico.

About Me!!!

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Hey, You can call me MalkaraDarkwel or Malkara or Mal or Darkwel. I'm a gamer who enjoys a variety of different games. Games like The Witcher 3 Mass Effect mainly RPG's but I also enjoy first person and third person shooters. Third person shooters have to be done right though so I can be a little picky. I did my first stream on 7/19/17. Honda73 is one of the people that influenced me to start streaming as well as his friends Tjayy25 JustBecs Apexnine and a few others. I became a mod for Honda within a week or two of just hanging out with him. Through him I met some other amazing people like MrsJuve and Enraged. I had amazing time being with the TeamEmmmmsie community May 2017 to Jan 2018. I have left but will always respect all my friends in that community. I now press forwards with all my friends I've met and who've stuck by me and hope to continue to grow those friendships and always looking forward to making new ones. Maybe even you reading this will enjoy what content I do or just enjoy my company and chatting. I do not mind if you're here to chat or lurk. Just don't be a Jerk.

Other Stream Fam I Enjoy!!!

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This is just a small list of the streamers I enjoy. One thing they all share is they interact with their viewers and chat with them and make them feel welcome which is one thing I enjoy as a viewer when I enter other peoples streams. It makes me feel like a part of their community and that they want to connect with their audiences. [Honda73]( A crazy man who enjoys his multiplayer vs. games. [Apexnine]( You want to enter the Battlefield you'll find him on one. A humble guy that is fun to chat or lurk with or just sit back and enjoy some tunes with as he plays. [Roargy]( Energetic and fun person to hang out with. [MrsJuve128]( She's one crazy lady Queen of the Juve Nation! [III_Enraged_III]( A man with many hats. Join him to see what he's up to and just what he's wearing on his head. [TastyChai]( This Lady is a latte fun to hang out with. [Punk4pres]( A great dude to sit back and relax with. [Asalted]( A unique streaming method. Great guy who plays with his wife. [Th0rnd]( Prepare some Th0rnication when you go hang out with this guy. [Tjayy25]( Rated M for Mature. Great lady to go hang out with and usually hanging out with [JustBecs]( Rated M for Mature. Another great gamer girl I know and if you combine her and Tjayy you're in for some hilarious stuff goinng on just add a little honda and FOR FUCKS SAKE shall be flying out of their mouths. Grade A entertainment. [TheDoc]( and his wife [NurseMuffins]( is another great husband and wife team I enjoy.


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Conduct Within the Realms!!! I would like to ask that all those who gather here please show respect to each other. Don't make any Religous Sexual or Racist comments and no disrespectful comments about disorders either please. Everyone is allowed to believe in what they want but hate is not welcome here. I want my viewers to enter a comfortable atmosphere where they feel safe and welcome. There will be consequences for inappropriate behavior and what we ask is what I believe everyone would like in there own lives. Thank you to those that read this and abide by my request. I appreciate you all for being here and following these simple rules. I would also ask you show the same courtesty to other streamers as well.
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Games I shall be playing Dragon Age Inquisition Witcher 3 PUBG Resident Evil 7 The Evil Within 2
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Commands/MiniGames These are still in the works currently only one minigame. Hopefully in time I'll have more commands for you all to enjoy. !hunt
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Donations will always be appreciated to aid the stream but will never be required. I love and appreciate you all no matter what.
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